Community Acupuncture

is acupuncture that happens in a shared space with other people. This shared space allows us to offer a sliding scale, making acupuncture available to more people who otherwise would not be able to afford care, while making it financially viable for the acupuncturist. This shared space brings much more benefit than the sliding scale though. To be in the presence of healing, in a space dedicated to healing, is healing. When we come together, everyone is uplifted. 

The beautiful thing about acupuncture, is that it helps most people, for most things, most of the time. If you slept funny and woke with a crick in your neck, one treatment might be all you need. If you’ve got a chronic crick in the neck, it may likely take a series of treatments to resolve. This is true for all types of ailments physical and emotional.

The effects of community acupuncture can be both subtle and profound. How’s it going to work for you? We won’t know until we try. If you feel good in the space, if you can relax with the pins (acupuncture needles), then it really may be a great resource to support you through all the twists and turns life inevitably presents us.


inspiration for our collective well being

Green bordered drawing of Matulu Shakur (watch ‘Dope Is Death’ to learn more about his legacy), pictured below is one of a series of drawings called Ancestors of Liberation Acupuncture by James Shelton and Kate Kampmann while students at POCA Tech. Postcards and posters can be purchased from Poca tech at All proceeds go to Poca Tech, NADA and the friends of Mutulu Shakur

Why all the flowers?

Because flowers remind of us our gentleness, our potency and our power. They remind us of our diversity and our resiliency and our beauty. They come in shades and shapes and temperaments abundant. They offer color, hope, medicine and joy – just by existing. Just like us.

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